Cherokee Orchard Road

Rainbow Falls Trail

Rainbow Falls
5.4 ml
5 hr
1617 ft

The roundtrip distance to the waterfall is 5.4 miles and the hike is generally considered moderate in difficulty. However due to the length, elevation gain, and rocky terrain in sections of the trail, some visitors may rate the hike as difficult. It takes about 3-5 hours to hike to the waterfall and back.

HikingForestNo DogsPopularWaterfallWildlifeRockyRiverWildflowers


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BearWise Vacation Tips

You are in bear country, so there’s a good chance you’ll see black bears here, even if you never go into the woods. Don’t leave food, trash or pet food outdoors when no one is around. A few seconds is all it takes for a hungry bear to swipe it. Feeding bears...


Bear Encounters: Ways To Avoid, How To Respond

There are lots of simple steps you can take to discourage bears from getting into your stuff and avoid bear encounters. Teaching bears to associate cars, trails, campsites and people with food doesn’t just put a damper on your outdoor fun. It also creates unnecessary risk...