Privacy Policy
Personally Identifiable Information
Gatlinburg Convention and Visitors Bureau gathers personally identifiable information (name, email address, etc.) and/or demographic data (zip code, interests, etc.) that you submit when you: 1) contact us or request a proposal, 2) complete a survey, 3) register for a promotion, contest or sweepstakes, 4) sign-up for our mailing list or 5) send us an email. This information may be gathered through both online and offline means. We may use this information to process and maintain your account, compile demographic statistics about our users, and to display information for you that matches your interests and profile.
Web Traffic Data
Gatlinburg Convention and Visitors Bureau servers gather industry-standard information (domain, IP address, referrer, browser used, etc.) via web server traffic logs. From time-to-time, Gatlinburg Convention and Visitors Bureau will analyze these logs and data to better understand the traffic patterns of our site visitors and how our site is being used, which helps us upgrade it appropriately for increased ease-of-use and functionality.
Email Communications
To help us make email more useful and interesting, we often receive a confirmation when you open ours, if your computer supports such capabilities. We also compare our user lists to lists received from other companies, in an effort to avoid sending unnecessary messages to you. If you do not want to receive email or other mail from us, please make a request to our database administrator (see below).
Cookies are small bits of alphanumeric information, placed and stored in your browser by our website. Gatlinburg Convention and Visitors Bureau uses cookies to calculate unique visitor sessions, to keep a continuous session state when you visit, and to know whether you have seen our Shockwave Flash introduction movie, for example.
You may request to have your information corrected, updated or removed from our database at any time. To make a request to our database administrator, please use our Contact Us page.
If you have any questions about this privacy policy, the practices of this site or your dealings with it, you may contact us.