Go Green

Planning Your Eco-Friendly TripTrail-walking_away_8779_BM

Start Your Environmentally Conscious Vacation Before You Leave Home!

Even while you’re planning your vacation, there are great ways to make sure that your vacation is environmentally friendly. The idea is to lessen your overall impact on the planet.

Gatlinburg is known for being an incredibly walkable city, so when you’re here, plan on parking your car at your hotel and walk, take a bicycle or use public transportation to get around. And if you’re flying in, rent a hybrid car.

Before you leave, try to calculate your carbon footprint for the trip, and if you can’t offset your footprint with walking instead of driving, consider making a donation to offset the amount of carbon that your trip expels into the atmosphere.

Eco-Friendly Travel TipsSunset Small

There Are Easy Ways To Be More Eco-Friendly While You Travel!

When you’re traveling to Gatlinburg, be as environmentally conscious as you are at home. Green travel will help preserve the Great Smoky Mountains National Park for future generations.

Being environmentally conscious isn’t as tough as it sounds. Even little things can make a huge difference! You can save water by taking brief showers and turn the tap off while you’re brushing your teeth. When you leave your hotel room, turn off the air conditioning, heating, television and lights.

Don’t forget to recycle at your hotel. Ask your hotel about their recycling program and sort your trash accordingly. If your hotel doesn’t recycle, consider packing up your empty bottles and other items and taking them home to recycle later.

Finally, don’t forget to give your hotel feedback. If they offer a recycling program, let them know you appreciate it! If they don’t offer one, suggest that they start one.

Gatlinburg Goes Green ProgramPeople Hugging a Tree

Our Green Program Sets Goals And Takes Specific Actions For Environmental Sustainability.

Residents of Gatlinburg and members of the business community have a shared responsibility for the preservation of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and the Gatlinburg Goes Green Program is designed to help the people of Gatlinburg protect their environment.

Gatlinburg Goes Green is a free, educational program for Gatlinburg Chamber of Commerce member businesses. With self-evaluation checklists, specific goals and concrete actions to help businesses nurture a community of environmental, social and economic sustainability, Gatlinburg Goes Green takes an important step toward protecting the national park.